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Chris Martinez: Dezert99


Christopher Martinez has been taking classes in highschool and learning programming languages on his own. He came up with the original idea and he is the Producer and the Programmer of Corporate Hearts. He is definitly willing to do more projects in the future.

A.E. Castle: RoziePozie


A. E. Castle is 23 and this is her first commercial project. She is breaking into the world of visual novel writing and dabbles in arts and crafts. She is the producer and writer for Corporate Hearts and looks to take on more projects in the future. 


Artist/Voice acting

VA: Allison

Dajinahito has had a wide range of life experiences, having left to work overseas in Japan as an English instructor. Recently, she has been pursuing voice acting work and expanding her portfolio. Brandy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing.


Voice Acting: Caroline

Adoxographist is an aspiring voice over artist from Canada who loves birds and bears. They have never partaken in a serious business lifestyle, but is excited to get a glimpse into the board room through CORPORATE HEARTS!


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